Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thoughts from the first day of the Ride Against AIDS

Thoughts from the first day of the Ride Against AIDS….this will be an incredible adventure, incredible people, incredible energy, all those warm fuzzy feelings you get when you’re about to begin something new. A long time AIDS Life Cycle rider came to share dinner and speak with us tonight. He told us some of his story, how he came to live in San Francisco, how he got involved in AIDS Life Cycle, how he became one of the first people granted asylum based on the discrimination he faced simply by being gay and HIV positive. His experiences reminded me of how fatal AIDS was in the early days, and how fatal it still is for many people. I must admit that I’ve been thinking more about the physical act of the Ride for the past few months, training, getting my bike and my body in shape for the trip. The purpose of the Ride has always been on my mind, but it came into clear focus as I listened to Gabo’s experiences. The stigma of AIDS has lessened in some places, but many people live in fear of disclosing their HIV status. Fear that they will be rejected by their families, fear that they will lose their jobs, fear that they will be shunned by their communities. Though we are only 19 riders, we can help share the truth about AIDS. 

We have the privilege of traveling slowly across the country, meeting people, sharing the story of our journey, of why we ride. I hope that in some small way we are able to lessen the stigma of AIDS.

*Me and my ride partner Sam.  Can someone say soul buddy?

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